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Spiritual Direction

"The spiritual direction relationship takes the long view. It looks for how God is working, calling, prodding, and inviting us to new ways of being with Jesus in the midst of our circumstances. It focuses on building an intimate relationship with God over a lifetime, through all the problems, crises, joys, and blessings."

– Richard Foster

Spiritual Direction is valuable when you...

  • Desire to grow deeper in your relationship with God,

  • Want to become more aware of God’s presence and activity in the ordinary of life,

  • Are facing questions and challenges and would like to gain insight into how God may be at work,

  • Are feeling dry spiritually, and you would like a fresh connection with God,

  • Would like a spiritual companion who will help you pay attention to the needs of your soul and support you as you keep your relationship with God a priority,

  • Desire to explore new ways of engaging with Him,

  • Are seeking spiritual discernment for a decision you are facing,

  • Find yourself stuck in your relationship with the Lord and desire to explore what may be hindering your growth.

"As they talked with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them…Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him." – Luke  24:15,31

Spiritual Direction is a prayerful process of one person coming alongside another to support and encourage them in their relationship with God. The spiritual director, as a trained guide, seeks to help a person  be attentive and responsive to God’s loving presence in all of life. We listen together for ways God is at work within and around us.


Spiritual direction is a biblically grounded way of becoming attuned to the voice of God and His invitations. The Holy Spirit is acknowledged as the One who does the directing. Life is busy, hurried, and noisy at times. Spiritual direction sessions offer a quiet and unhurried space to give thoughtful consideration to your life with God. In the context of a safe relationship, a place is offered to draw near to God, share your life story, talk about your experience of God, and discern His direction and calling.  


God desires to transform us more and more into the likeness of Christ. A spiritual director helps you open yourself to that deepening work, anchoring you in Biblical truth, so you can live into your full potential in Christ and then live that out in the world. Opportunities are offered to participate in spiritual practices that help you draw closer to God in ways that are meaningful for you.

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